HLK consigned and brokered the above beautiful Frank Stella painting to Paul Kasmin‘s seminal exhibition: “The New York School, 1969: Henry Geldzahler at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.” Roberta Smith from the New York Times called it a “not to miss” show that was “radiant with works by the big-name movers and shakers of Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art and Minimalism.”
The show was an homage to the groundbreaking and exhaustive survey that opened in 1969 (49 years ago TODAY!) at the Met entitled, “New York Painting and Sculpture: 1940-1970” curated by Geldzahler. He selected 43 artists whose work was instrumental in creating the Ab Ex, Pop Art, Color-field, and Minimal Art styles.
He called the artists “deflectors”, or those who have been crucial in redirecting the history of painting and sculpture. This is THE show to know. Featured artist, Frank Stella said: “It was a shocking experience and a defining moment for modern art.